Performance perfection!

Glenroy College Visual and performing arts take a journey

Congratulations to the Arts Team for a wonderful Exhibition and Concert to finish August. The range of art works on display demonstrated very strong budding talent. I loved some of the Manga inspired work with its bright colours and strong lines. 


The Concert afterward also brought out some surprises; fierce drums, gentle piano and some truly lovely singing voices in both English and Farsi! 


Thank you to Ms Tizian and Mr Moukbel and others for helping to provide light refreshments. It was a lovely night to be a part of, well done to all, especially the student talent and student helpers.


Ms Rosalinda Manly

Domain Leader

Music news

In Classroom Music this term our Year 8 students are learning all about different instruments of the orchestra, and are starting to play piano with both hands. Year 9 Music Elective students are composing original music themes us8ing music software to represent different characters in their video games and are also playing keyboards and guitars during their practical sessions.  


Instrumental Music students are continuing to make great progress in learning to play their instruments and are starting to gain more confidence when playing in front of each other and in front of an audience.


A large number of the instrumental students performed in “The Journey” concert last week and I must say the quality and standard of the performances was absolutely outstanding! Well done to everyone who performed and attended the concert to perform on stage or to help out back-stage. It was also lovely to see so many parents and friends coming to support our students in the audience. 


Glenroy College Art Show 

On the 30th of August we had students participate in our annual art show and art competition. Students from Visual Arts and Media Studies were able to showcase their work from year 7-12. There were over thirty student artworks/works in the show.  We also had an art competition where students were able to enter their artworks which were displayed in the art show. This was an amazing opportunity for students to display their work and be proud of their achievements. It was also fantastic opportunity for students and families come and see some of the creative achievements of our students.  


We had a voting box for the art competition, and it was fantastic to see parents and students voting for their favourite artworks. The People’s Choice Award went to Fatemeh Mousavi 9B and the Principals Choice Award went to Linda Kheir 11B. Congratulations to our winners as well as everyone who was a part of our Art Show!