VM students make a move

Vocational Mentoring Program
Year 11 VM students participated in a 5 week Vocational Mentoring Program this term and the highlight of the program was the Industry Tour. In week 8 we visited local employers on a quest to learn more about the skills and qualities they look for when hiring young apprentices. We came away from the day with lots of inspiration and the clear message that employers are looking for workers with positive attitudes and passion for their work. Each site we visited reinforced the message that they look for employees who want to be there and want to learn. A huge thankyou to the wonderful team at INLLEN for organising this event.
In week 8 a group of year 11 and 12 VCE VM students completed nationally accredited training in Food Handling and Barista skills. Training opportunities like this give our students experience with competency based assessment as well as valuable skills to use in the workplace and qualifications to add to their resumes. We are very grateful to the Advance program for the funding which enables us to provide this opportunity. We are excited to share our talents with you soon, look our for our lattes at the next school event!
First class first aid!
Over the past two days, year 11 and year 12 VM students underwent First Aid training.
They leant how to use Epi Pens, CPR and what to do in a medical emergency.
Students who attended, showed off their academic skills by completing a 100% pass rate. Well done VM!