College wide news

Eco warrior Robbie 

On Wednesday August 9th, we saw the launch of our new composting initiative, a partnership between Glenroy College and our neighbouring Mulberry Community Garden. We are thrilled to grow this relationship with a fantastic community organisation and to plant the seed toward improving our school’s sustainability. Our designated ‘Eco Warrior’, Robbie Aydin, lead the way by collecting the contents of several new food-waste caddies and a large FOGO bin (thank you for the donations Merri-bek council!) that has been capturing the Food Tech class scraps. 


Mulberry Gardens coordinator, Lyn Mac, welcomed Robbie, gave him a tour of the grounds and provided some education on their open air composting system before he went to work dumping the food scraps and turning the compost mound. Robbie, Lyn and the Glenroy College staff are enjoying these weekly gardening sessions and to watch this initiative bloom

Welcoming Environment Installation

On Wednesday, April 23rd ten Glenroy College students, six Glenroy Central Primary students, Sue Hodges Projects (SHP) members, Auntie Gail and Auntie Julieanne (with their grand daughters) met to discuss a collaboratively designed ‘Welcoming Environmental Installation’ for the entrance to our school. This significant project will result in a student led Acknowledgment of Country structure that aims to educate all that pass and interact with it about Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung culture, the land the school sits on with a message of unity, empathy and respect. We hope it will be a beacon of knowledge, hope and positivity for decades to come.


The session held was a ‘yarning’ (speaking, knowledge sharing, building relationships in safe spaces) session that was a safe give and take between students and the Aunties featuring truth telling, historical contexts, respectful questioning, myths about cultures and our students talking about the issues that concern them. It was amazing to explore the commonalities between all with many concerns and hopes that resonated greatly within the room. This free-flowing session really set an amazing foundation for the whole project. 


The next session will involve the actual designing of the structure, with many great ideas concerning planting, seating, digital components, artwork featuring significant animals and totems already floated in the discussions. We thank all involved in this major project so far.

Math and Digitech Disneyland!

Thursday August 31st was an amazing day with 60 Grade 4 and 5 students from Glenroy Central Primary School, Glenroy West Primary School, Dallas Brooks Community Primary School and Oak Park Primary School came to Glenroy Secondary College for our first Math and DigiTech Olympics!  


The energy and excitement from both staff and students as they rotated through the different activities was fantastic. Students played Math games, designed a robot, and programmed bee bots to get through a maze and worked on different shapes using an Egyptian role. 


There were lots of prizes awarded to different students throughout the day and the overall winner of the Olympics was awarded to Oak Park Primary School.  


During the break times, students did a tour of the College and learnt about the exciting things that we have to offer. They also enjoyed a sausage sizzle and yummy hot chocolates in our student Cafe and had lots of fun playing interactive games outside including Jenga, naughts and crosses, and Quoits.  


Some quotes from students about the day include:  


“This is like Disneyland, it’s a trip to fun!”


“My favourite part of the day was lunch as got to meet new people and teachers, celebrate and have fun!”


“Best part of today was drinking hot chocolate in a cool cafe and winning prizes and eating hot dogs/sausages!”


“The best part was programming and designing robots,”


“The best part was winning the trophy for our school,”


We look forward to hosting another fun and engaging event at Glenroy College with all of our feeder Primary Schools in the future! 


Math and DigiTech Olympics winner: Oak Park Primary School 


On Friday 8th September, our Principal, Andrew Arney, and our Community Engagement worker, Joanne Pampanella, made a special visit to Oak Park Primary School to present the Maths and Digi Tech Olympics winning students with the winning plaque. They were excited to see so many happy students and the winning students spoke of their positive experience participating in the olympics at Glenroy College on Thursday 31st of August. 

We can’t wait to see if Oak Park Primary will win the Olympics again 2024 and look forward to more primary schools participating and having fun.  

Congratulations again Oak Park Primary on a well-deserved win and a big thank you to their Principal Mr Michael Gill and teacher Ms Cheng for supporting the event.