STEM question of the fortnight. Please see this week’s questions. These questions will not be compulsory, but will be a bit of fun and a challenge for students. Students can write their answer on a piece of paper and place it in the appropriate box inside the STEM room. Prep- 2 will place it in the box labelled P-2 and Grades 3-6 in the box labelled 3-6. At the end of the week Miss Middlin will do a lucky dip and select one student from Prep- 2 and one from Grades 3-6 who will receive a small science related prize. This week's questions are found below: 

Grade Prep-2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

How are rainbows made?                                                                                    








Grade 3-6 


What is a black hole?







National Science Week 12th-20th of August 2023 

National Science Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage an interest in science pursuits among the general public, and to encourage young people to be fascinated by the world we live in. This year's theme for National Science Week  is Innovation: Powering Future Industries. The theme incorporates the advancement in technology in all industries, especially using artificial intelligence (AI).


At Buninyong Primary School we will celebrate National Science Week throughout Week 6 of school. There will be heaps of activities that you can complete with your class as well as some activities that you can complete at lunch times. One of the lunchtime activities includes a paper plane flying competition! Stay tuned for more information in next week’s newsletter. 

This term our focus in STEM lessons has been Earth and Space Science. This has seen students explore the weather, night and day as well as the solar system. 

  • The Grade Prep students have been weather watchers and have been making observations of the weather at school. 
  • In Grade 1/2 students have been learning how to create a video of a weather report. Over the next few lessons students will design their own playground that can be used in different types of weather. Towards the end of term students will create a rain gauge. Could you please bring a soft drink bottle or clear plastic container with your child over the next few weeks in preparation for this lesson.
  • Our senior students have been focusing on the solar system. In Grades 3/4 students have begun designing and creating a model of earth's orbit around the sun. The Grade 5 students have been creating a design of the planets in our solar system. These projects have seen students learn how to use technology and applications such as minecraft education, TinkerCad, iMovie and animation. Some students have also taken a more artistic approach and constructed models using clay and paper mache.