Parents & Friends' (PFA)

Bush Dance
How good was the Bush Dance?!? It was brilliant to see so many families and teachers out for the night. We’d like to take a moment to thank a few people once again for putting it all together:-
The 5/6 MC class liaisons Jane Magree and Anthea Dimitrakopoulos for booking the band, planning the food and decorating the hall - you made the night what it was.
The parents and PFA who helped out setting up and cleaning up thank you - it doesn’t take long when we all chip in!
Natalie Mendes who organized donations from local businesses for a great raffle.
The families who added prizes to the raffle pool. Troy Fryer who was instrumental in getting us a snow cone machine. The Blackberry Jam Bush Band, who did a wonderful job workshopping with the children and keep us all dancing on the night.
Please take a look at the list of sponsors below and say thanks if you are in store or online. It lets them know their support was noted.
Coming up next:
Fathers' Day Stall
This year the stall will be run on Thursday 31 August (due to a clash with sport on the Friday.) Stay tuned formore information.
Fathers' Day Breakfast
The Fathers' Day breakfast will be held on Friday 1 September before school.
PFA Meeting
The next PFA meeting is Tuesday 29 August and as always everyone is welcome. Details will be shared closer to the date.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for future events, ideas, or fundraisers please feel free to email the PFA.
Rosaline, Matt and The PFA Committee