What's Happening in Prep SO

We are in full swing of another busy term! Students have been on their first ever school excursion and celebrated 100 days of school. We are very proud of what the preps have achieved so far and they should be commended on successfully being at school for 100 days.
In Reading, students are beginning to learn about digraphs. Digraphs are two letters that make the one sound such as ‘ck’, ‘ll’, ‘ss’, ‘ff’ and ‘sh’. Students are also continuing to learn to read tricky words and each week a new set of words is introduced for them to read. The only way they can learn to read these words is through repetition as they are words that are unable to be sounded out. Therefore it is important for the children to practise reading these words at school and at home so in turn this will support the students reading texts independently.
Tricky Word Tree
In Writing, we are continuing to focus on constructing short sentences using their sound and letter knowledge and we are encouraging the children to write their own sentences with growing confidence. Students have also begun to use writing checklists to check their writing to make sure that they have included what they need to help support them and to improve their writing skills.
In Mathematics, the children have been learning about the concept of place value. Students have used bundling sticks, connecting cubes and MAB blocks to model two digit numbers. We have been focusing on forming numbers correctly and adding more and less to a given number. This week we are beginning to learn about shape. We are starting with learning about 2d shapes and making different shapes out of playdough.
In Integrated, students have learned what Media art is and also explored a range of media art pieces such as videos, artwork and how media art can be used in storytelling. We have used different types of technology such as Playschool Art Maker on the Ipads and WixieArt which is a website. Students responded by making their own media art pieces which they enjoyed using technology and using their creativity to make their own story.
In Religion, students have learned about why we pray and how this connects us to God. We have identified different elements of prayer such as making the sign of the cross and saying ‘Amen’ at the end of certain prayers. We have explored a range of prayers such as the ‘Our Father’ and our ‘St Anthony’s Prayer’. Students have taken part in a number of prayer celebrations and are learning to be respectful and take the time to feel closer to God.
Excursion to AMCI
On Monday the 31st of July the Preps went on their first ever excursion to ACMI. This excursion supported our learning in ‘Media Art’ which is our Integrated unit for this term. Students had the opportunity to film their very own Fairytale. Students learned lines and dressed up in costumes. It was very professional and they filmed their story using a green screen. They explored the vocabulary that you would use when making a film on a movie set such as ‘quiet on set’ and ‘cut.’ They really enjoyed this part of the process and were engaged when filming their scenes.
Whilst one group was filming another group of students explored the exhibition ‘The Story of the Moving Image'. Students were able to look at different memorabilia from Australian movies and also observe how technology has changed over the years, for example, televisions have come a long way! They took part in using different technologies to create little videos and play ‘old school’ video games such as Pac Mac! It was very interactive which the children loved.
During our break students had a play on a local playground near Federation Square. If we had the time they would have wanted to stay a lot longer at the playground!
Last but not least we came back to ACMI and watched our movies. They loved watching their ‘movies’ and the only thing missing was popcorn!
It was a lovely day and it was fantastic to watch the children engage and enjoy their excursion! Thank you also to the parent helpers for offering their time to support Prep SO.
100 Days of School
The Prep students celebrated their 100th Day of school filled with all things 100 and lots of fun! Students made 100 days of school necklaces and hats. They listed what they wanted to do before they turned 100 with a photo of them looking 100 years old and enjoyed a fitness trail where students completed 10 of each exercise – 100 exercises in all!
Thankyou for all of your support. We are looking forward to the remainder of the school term as we continue to support your children to grow and learn together.
Sarah O’Hara and Marie Georgiadis
Prep teachers