Learning Diversity

Learning Diversity encompasses all learners across cultural, academic, social- emotional and physical attributes. It connects to life experiences a child brings to their formal learning at school.
As educators at St. Anthony’s Primary School we continue to work towards meeting the needs of all learners, so that every student experiences success.
Catholic schools in their endeavours to support all students to flourish, intervene as early as possible to meet the individual needs and abilities of each student. “All students regardless of race, age or gender, by virtue of their dignity as human persons, have a right to an education that is suited to their particular needs and adapted to their ability” Pope Paul VI 1965
Our Learning Support Officers are a valued part of our teaching staff and continue to work with our students across all grade levels to help them achieve success.
Intervention Support
Elizabeth Martello works across all year levels within the school in targeted intervention so that our students are able to learn and progress in English.
Junior Classes
Jo Kirkham, Vesna Simic and Tracey Birthisel all support children in Years Prep to Two.
Middle Classes
Luisa Henderson works in both Year 3/4 classrooms.
Senior Classes
Carla Whitfield works in both Year 5/6 classrooms.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
The NCCD is a yearly compilation of data concerning students with disabilities in Australia. This initiative empowers schools, educational bodies and government entities to gain a deeper insight into the requirements of these students and how optimal assistance can be provided within the school environment.
Please find more information here:
NCCD Parent, Guardians & Carers Information
Learning Diversity Leader