Education in Faith

We start this newsletter thinking about the weather outside. Each day in class prayer our students note the currentwinter conditions, and while this may make us feel a bit cold and flat, we know there are others that this affects in a much more severe way. We can pray for the Lord to guide them.
As a school we will soon gather with our Parish Community to celebrate two very important Masses. I thought I would take the time to review these, as well as share how they may be unpacked and taught in the classroom.
8th of August- St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Feast Day
Australia's very first Saint and someone who fought for educational rights for all, the reasons to explore the life of Mary Mackillop are many. Mary fought for education for underprivileged children and helps to remind us how lucky we are in having our wonderful St Anthony's primary school. Some concepts students may unpack in the classroom from this feast include:
Here is an example of a prayer themed for the Feast Day:
15th of August- Feast of the Assumption
This Feast features the significance of Mary the Mother, and her ascension to heaven. It is believed that when Mary passed away her body was lifted to heaven, just as her soul was. So special was Mary to God that she was deemed worthy for this to happen. Some concepts students may unpack in the classroom from this feast include:
Here is an example of a prayer themed for the Feast Day:
It is so great to continue to learn, celebrate and reflect together as both a school and parish community.
We are getting closer to the celebration of sacraments this term, and look forward to sharing the journey of students taking part.
Take care everyone,
Tim O'Mahoney
Education in Faith Leader