Catholic Identity


We will be celebrating a whole school Mass tomorrow, Wednesday 19th July.  Parents are most welcome to join us in the Hall for this Mass.  This Mass will give us an opportunity to give thanks to God for all the great gifts he has given us.  St John the Apostle spent his life using all the gifts God had given him, to tell people all over the world about Jesus.  By using the gifts we have been given wisely, we are able to be of service to others.  And when we do good things people will come to know about Jesus through us.   



St John’s will be celebrating a Community Mass this coming Saturday 22nd July @ 6:00pm in our St Andrew’s Parish Church, Werribee.  All families are invited to join us for this celebration.  Students who have prepared to receive a Sacrament this year will be presented with a St. John the Apostle Holy Card.


In last Sunday’s Gospel we heard Jesus using the image of a gardener scattering seeds, to explain the different ways people receive God’s word.  Some seeds fall on fertile soil and flourish,  some fall on rocky ground and still spring up and other seeds wither and die.  God speaks to all of us, yet our response to His words can be very different.  Sometimes we can be led astray or lose the courage of our conviction.  At other times in our life we can hear and listen to the words of God and take heart in what we have heard.  


A Prayer to Hear God’s Whisper Every Day

God of all, I offer praise and thanksgiving for Your ever-present love and mercy. May I stay aware of Your presence in my everyday life, so that I may see Your face in all people, and hear Your voice in all circumstances. 


Grant me the wisdom and courage to pause and hear Your whisper of love in the ordinary and the extraordinary moments of my life. May Your Grace and Spirit be reflected in my thoughts, words, and actions.  Amen. 



Any Catholic students wishing to become parish altar servers sbould consult the following flyer.

St Andrew's Parish Take Home Sheet