Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Foundation

Briony Zagame

This week's SAKG class made a variety of very tasty food. The Manda-Dudes cooked Cauliflower Soup. The Peckish Potatoes made the Kale, Leek, Pine Nuts and Ricotta Sauce for the pasta dish. The Rick Roll Raisins made the Fettuccini pasta, and the Wonky Watermelons cooked Fried Rice (served in lettuce cups). From the garden we harvested parsley, leek, kale, celery, spring onions, silverbeet and eggs. 


All the food were delicious, but the two winners were the Pasta and Fried Rice.  These recipes are attached to the newsletter. We would like to thank Mrs McGrath and Penny Van Boven for coming in to assist Jess and Mrs Zagame. It was wonderful to have your help!