Years F-6 Coordinator

Kim Fitzpatrick

F-6 Key Dates:
Mon31stFoundation 100 Days of School
Thurs3rdCalder Athletics
Wed 23rdParent Teacher Interviews
Wed 30th Open Numeracy Classes

On Monday we held our first F-6 Assembly for the term. It was wonderful to have a number of parent’s join us. 


Star Students

Foundation: Maisie for asking excellent questions about her spelling. 


Year 1 & 2 Learning Detective of the week: Ned, for making excellent progress in Literacy, Ned loves sentence scrambling activities. 

Reading Awards

Due to holding our first assembly for sometime, lots of reading certificates were awarded this week. Well done to the following who received certificates at assembly this week:


50 nights: Audrey.

75 nights: Ned, Millah and Archie. 

100 nights: Sophie, Eli, Don, Tom M & Tamsyn. 

125 nights: Maisie, Oli L, Franklin, Ashton, Campbell, Molly, Nate L, Noah, Wally, Tom F.

150 nights: Franklin, Maisie, Wally, Lacey and Anna. 


Book Recommendation

On Monday, Tom J gave, what has been the best book review for the year! He recommended Nevermore by Jessica Townsend. Tom says it contains science fiction, adventure and mystery. It is set in a Hotel in Nevermore city. The characters are Morigan Crow, Hawthorne, Jupiter and Jack. Morigan is going to die on Eventide Day, on her eleventh birthday, and fed to the hunt of smoke and shadow. She gets cheated out of death by a strange man and gets taken to the next city. Tom recommends the book for students in Year 5 and above and rates it 5 stars. 

Ryan at free play.

In Humanities, Foundation made telephones!

The Learning Detectives roamed the school looking for plastics and recycling.


Enjoy the break!

Mrs Fahey will be taking a well-earned break at the end of this week. We wish her an enjoyable time and hope she comes back fresh and revitalised.