Other Information

Limited spots for December Training!

If you have not already done so, you are urged to register for one or both of our final training sessions for the 2019!   There are limited spots available so make sure you register now to avoid disappointment!


Privacy for Privacy Officers

Date: Friday, 6 December 2019

Time: Half day, 9am - 1pm

Location: Our office, Level 9/99 William Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000


Public Interest Disclosure Information

Date: Thursday, 12 December 2019

Time: Lunchtime, 1pm - 2pm

Location: Our office, Level 9/99 William Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000


For registration details visit our website.  If you require further information contact our office on (03) 9601 4111 or email marketing@foisolutions.com.au

Annual VCAT Case Summaries 2019

If you want an easy and concise way of understanding how FOI, privacy and health privacy is dealt with at VCAT take advantage of our VCAT Annual Case Summaries! 


Our experienced staff have been preparing VCAT summaries since 2004.  The summaries are designed to assist agencies understand how VCAT deals with FOI, privacy and health privacy related matters in the current year.  


For more information or to subscribe to this service and receive the summaries for 2019 early next year visit our website  or contact our office on (03) 9601 4111 or email marketing@foisolutions.com.au.


NOTE: Our office also prepares monthly VCAT case summaries if you want to keep up to date on an ongoing basis rather than waiting to end of the year.  If this service suits you more please register your interest .

FOI Procedures Manual

The FOI Procedures Manual is a useful tool to assist your agency with processing FOI requests, providing you with templates and information about whether your agency is complying with the relevant requirements under the FOI Act.  We are in the process of publishing our 15th edition which will incorporate changes for the recently introduced and legally binding Professional Standards.  If you purchase our procedures Manual you will be entitled to receive FREE UPDATES when we produce them!

For more information about our Procedures Manual or to make a purchase please visit our website or contact our office on (03) 9601 4111 or email marketing@foisolutions.com.au for more information.

Question Time

Q: I understand that s 14(1)(a) of the FOI Act prevents an applicant from seeking access to a document containing information already available for a fee or other charge under another enactment.  Does this preclude the FOI applicant from seeking the entire document or only the information that is subject to the statutory fee or charge?   


A: Strictly speaking, s 14(1)(a) excludes an entire document from the operation of the FOI Act where that document contains any information available for a fee or charge under another enactment, such as information that is available for purchase from a local council under          rr 326 and 327 of the Building Regulations 2006.  However, where an applicant has expressed a wish (either in the FOI request or in subsequent communications with your agency) to receive edited copies of documents under s 25 of the FOI Act, then arguably any information excluded by virtue of s 14(1)(a) can be removed from a document as “irrelevant” to the request.  Of course, if the applicant does not seek editing, then the entire document will be excluded by the operation of s 14(1)(a).  If you would like to know more about this or what it could mean for your agency in a specific context or scenario, please let us know and we can assist.