Year 9 Camp

Horse Riding 

What a week?

 Despite the unseasonally cold weather (it was snowing on Mount Bulla we enjoyed a fantastic week horse riding in the Howqua Valley.  Sixteen students, only two with riding experience, enjoyed 5 days in Victoria's magnificent high country.  We rode along the trails that criss cross the river and head over the hills. Scenery was spectacular as were the magnificent horses we rode supplied by Buckle Up Bushrides and McCormicks Mountain Adventures.  Both providers have a long history and association with the Mountain Cattleman and the families that settled this area.


We relaxed and bonded over meals provided by Kaye (we loved her cakes) and developed new friendships around the camp fire.  Many a marshmallow was eaten with Jamie leading the way to show how to cook one to perfection.


Our horses were amazing and looked after us well.  We only had three falls with no-one being injured and once we all got the hang of keeping our heels down there were no more.  By the end of the week everyone had trotted and cantered except for Missy (a horse), who was not keen on cantering up hill.


Special thanks to Ms Wallis and Alyssa Balej (our sports trainee) for making this week possible.


Catherine Ford