Assistant Principals

Ninja Warriors 

Great day today, in recognition of how well our students have adapted to the new mobile phone restrictions and emphasis on school uniform, we held the Ninja Warrior competition.

The crew from Proactivity came out and ran a professional style Ninja Course.  Great fun was had by all those who ran the course with the staff providing some stiff competition for our students.


The Year 11 VCAL students made sure everyone was well fed with the sausage sizzle they organised and ran.  A big thank you to all those involved in the organsiation of this event and enjoy the happy snaps.


Year 12 Valedictory Dinner

On Wednesday evening we celebrated the end of year 12 exams and 13 years of formal education with our year 12 students as they graduated from high school.  It was a real pleasure to celebrate with the students and their families after all the hard work that has been put in over the  years and in particular the last 12 months.


Each student and home group was formally awarded their graduation certificate and the most outstanding student for each subject was announced.  Once the formalities were over the dancing began.  It was great to see students, teachers and parents on the dance floor coming together in celebration.  Although it was a joyous celebration there was a few tears from both students and teachers as they recognised the long journey was over.


Although the VCAL students have their results and are firmly focused on their next stage, the VCE students now have to wait until the second week in December for their results.  We wish them all the best and look forward to hearing how they did at the Alumni Assembly in a couple of weeks.


Special thanks to Dina Mingos, Andrew Beavis, Chris Leunig, Wendy Pearce and the rest of team for the organisation of this event.


Car Park Issues

Parents are reminded that the carpark is not a drop off and pick up areas for students.  The carpark gets very busy at key times during the day and is a safety hazard for students.   Parking bays are reserved for staff and parents who have business inside the College.

2020 Subjects and Secondhand Bookstall

Students will receive information about their subjects for 2020 next week in time for the secondhand bookstall on Saturday November 30, 2019 from 9am -11am in the Senior centre.


This is a great opportunity to pick up quality secondhand books for a fraction of the price of new.  Prices vary, and are set by the person who is selling the book.  Students will need to collect books that are not sold prior to the end of the year.  Non collected books will be donated to student wellbeing to assist families who are struggling.

Save the Date

Awards Night


Our annual awards celebration is fast approaching.  This year it will be held at Robert Blackwood Hall at Monash University on December 3rd from 7:00pm-9:00pm.  Tickets are not required.


Students who have received four or more academic awards will be presented on stage in addition to the students who have received major citizenship awards, learning area awards and most outstanding student awards. Families will receive invitations prior to the event.


Catherine Ford, Shane Kruger, Zoe Carolan and

Carrie Wallis

Assistant Principals

Exam and Step Up Update

As our year 12 students leave and the year 11s finish their exams the Year 10 students take over the senior centre for their exams.  The Year 10 exams are an important part of our program. They teach students the importance of study and revision in consolidating knowledge and allow them to revisit ideas and concepts covered earlier in the semester.  Students who have a clash with their exam timetable or another academic commitment need to see Mrs Mingos so she can reschedule their exams


The Step Up programs start immediately after the exams.  These are compulsory programs for students and it is our expectation that all students attend and participate in a productive manner.  These programs are designed to build the skills students will need at the beginning of the year next year.  Each program will have homework expectations for students. This homework is important if they are to set themselves up for the following year and we ask that parents encourage their children to complete it to the best of their ability.  None of the homework will be text book dependent which will allow students to complete it before Christmas.

Catherine Ford, Shane Kruger, Zoe Carolan and

Carrie Wallis

Assistant Principals