Student Buzz

Acting up!

Congratulations to Year 9 student, Ezra Justin, who has joined the ensemble of the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child  stage production, currently showing at the Princess Theatre, Melbourne.

Ezra is thrilled to be part of this amazing show and is having an excellent time in the wizarding world! 


You can also catch Ezra on the soon to be released, ABC/Netflix series, The InBESTigators. Ezra plays the lead role of ‘Ryan’ in episode #26.

Happy mother's day classic

by Rosie and Lily Blight (Year 11)


The Mother’s Day Classic has always been a special event in our lives; not only are we helping to support thousands of women around the world but our mum as well, as this is something she has put a tremendous amount of effort into… and it is a really incredible way to spend Mother’s Day.


We have attended the Mother’s Day Classic for so long now (and we’re proud to say so) that when we were little it was really all we knew of Mother’s Day. We would make our mum cards that began with “happy Mother’s Day Classic”, waking up excited to see what free snacks we could get our hands on at the event! Being part of the Classic really creates a deeper meaning behind Mother’s Day, as not only are we celebrating the admirable work of mothers around the world, but women and men all around Australia are uniting to support those diagnosed with breast cancer.


For those of you who are interested in joining this event, it will take place on Sunday 12 May at Alexandra Gardens. Go to for all the information you need. Join the Preshil team by registering online… we do hope to see you there.


[Rosie and Lily's mum, Louise Davidson, is co-founder of the Mother's Day Classic.]