Group Representative

The role of the Group Representative is to act as a liaison between teacher and parents; class groups and other school bodies; and to organise parent assistance as required. Group Representatives may also be asked to encourage members of their level to attend and participate in Community events during the year. 


One Class Representative will be required for each group though a couple is even better. 


The primary role of the Group Representative is to organise informal class social activities eg. Movie Nights, Parent Morning Teas, Park catch ups. These are particularly important in the kinder years to allow families to get to know one another and welcome new families to the kinder.  Even more so at this time when due to Covid we are restricted in holding bigger community events.  They may also arrange parent help in conjunction with the group teacher, as well as create a class contact list for social purposes. 


Communication can be done mainly via email with meetings only run as required. I will schedule a meeting to be determined once Group Representatives are in place, to go over the duties and expectations of the Representatives for this year. Attendance at the meeting will give Group Representatives more knowledge of school activities in order to be able to inform and represent parents in their class. 


Please consider this request to nominate yourself as a Group Representative. It is a valuable way in which you can assist and contribute to the school. 


If you are willing to take on this role please send me an email by Friday February 25th. Please contact myself if you have any questions. 


