
Wellbeing Literacy Leader - Emily Murcott


Welcome back everyone. I hope that you are well and safe and that you enjoyed your summer. I am sure there are families out there who have been impacted by Covid in one way or another, and I hope that everyone feels supported by family and friends. As I have said in the past, “We don’t ask to get Covid. It is no-ones fault.” So please look after one another and reach out if you need support during this time.


I was thrilled to find out that Action For Happiness has a focus on "Friendliness" throughout February. Each month I eagerly await to see what their focus will be. 


Action For Happiness says, 

“We need each other more than ever right now! This month let's focus on reaching out to connect with others and doing our best to be a good friend. Our acts of kindness and connection ripple out and impact so many more people than we realise - and they also boost our own happy hormones too! In stressful times people around us may be feeling the strain, so let's try to keep calm, take time to listen, and show compassion.”


Below is the Friendly February calendar if you would like to have a look and follow all or some of the ideas they have shared.




You may wish to watch the following YouTube clip, Friendly February, with Vanessa King (Head of Psychology at Action For Happiness) as she shares her hot tips for cultivating connection.

10 Days of Happiness


I love this idea. I signed up this week and I am doing the 10 Days of Happiness program. Come and join me!


I hear you asking….. What is this?

It is a 10-day online coaching program to boost your well-being during a crisis or challenging times. It is based on the latest research from positive psychology, neuroscience, and behavioural science. It will guide you through daily actions for happier living. 


How does it work?

Every morning you receive a message with a new activity. You write your response to each day’s activity. (All your responses are kept private). These simple actions boost your well-being day by day. And it only takes just a few minutes each day.


Give it go…What have you got to lose?



I am searching for buttons; old buttons, new buttons, colourful buttons, round buttons, square buttons, small buttons, large buttons. Any buttons.... Everyone in the school will be using buttons. So, if you have any buttons laying around your house, or your grandparents have any buttons, even your neighbor has any buttons, please colllect them and bring them into school.


Over the holidays I asked the school community to donate any buttons which may be hanging around. If you have any please send them in via your child’s classroom teacher. I am on the lookout for many, many more. Thankyou to those who have already dropped some in at school.


One young man used his initiative and put a post on his mother’s Facebook page to gather more buttons. What a wonderful idea. Thanks Evan (Grade 3/4).


If you have seen someone in our Rolling Hills PS community do something kind over the summer break or the past week, please let me know who was involved and what happened. You can email me at emily.murcott@education.vic.gov.au. I look forward to hearing about many acts of kindness in the coming weeks.