Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,



Thank you for your support with the number of emails we have been sending home since term started.

With the recent advice to schools from the Chief Health Officer, schools have had to adapt in order to reduce mingling on the grounds and in rooms.

Mask wearing, 1.5 metre spacing and dropping off at classrooms have been introduced. Our thanks to everyone for doing their bit to help with reducing the chance of possible transmission.

We have also organised for students to eat recesses in class groups, asked students arriving to school early to sit outside of their class rather than in the undercover area and put on hold cross grade activities.

The canteen is promoting parent spacing to reduce the number of people in a confined area when ordering.

Staff are conducting staff meetings online where possible.


As a school we have worked towards possible home-schooling scenarios if required. The reduction to seven day quarantining will help with the organisation of home activities and communicating with students. Each class has a grid of easy-to-adapt home activities that can be undertaken initially. This will be followed up with current curriculum work being undertaken at the time that can get home either through packs or via CONNECT and SEE SAW.


The school identified CONNECT as an effective tool to assist with communication. All families will now have access for the retrieval of the semester Reports, but it can also be used to share information between home and school. Today we will place a link to the newsletter onto Connect. In coming days, individual staff will use it to check on home/school connections.


The Technology survey results from just under 100 of our families indicated that these families had a place in the house suitable for schooling and that internet access was available. Sixty percent responded saying that there was a need for others in the house to share the technology. Half had access to IPads/tablets. Other available technology included lap-tops, desk-tops and phones.


Whilst we have kept the assemblies on our term planner, we will modify how we present them as whole school assemblies are not running in schools at present. Our Welcome Picnic is also on hold.

We are able to run the swimming carnival at present, as it is a one-off activity.


At this time of the year, we would invite parents in to meet with the teacher to hear as a group, what the class program looks like. Our teachers are looking at other ways of getting this information to you. Whilst there isn’t time in the mornings/afternoons to speak at length to the teacher, it is still possible to give a message to them where needed. We are keen to continue to provide avenues for parent interviews including online and by phone, if requested.



Our P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday evening the 23rd of February. [6:30pm for 7:00pm] with the AGM to be followed by a General meeting. It will be held in the Library with spacing and suitable ventilation put in place. Please have a chat to others on the P&C if you are interested in an executive, committee, or parent representative position for this year.



The school opened this year with 282 students and a further 30 down at Hazel Orme Community Kindergarten. Due to the distribution of the students, we opted for establishing a new class for 2022. Our recently appointed staff are settling in well with Ms Felton and Mrs Leonard down at the Kindergarten, Miss Wilkins and Mrs Sputore in Room 6, Miss Carere in Room 14, Miss Potvin in Room 11, and Ms Rodgers in Room 8.

Naomi, Lima, Helen and John are to be congratulated for their efforts during the school Break looking after the buildings and grounds.

Congratulations also to Ms Reid, Ms Richards and Ms Foster on their permanent appointments. Welcome back also to Mr Truong and Mr Robinson who are working on some specific roles and to all of our staff who have spent many hours preparing for the year.

One late transfer for 2022 was Mrs French. We wish Mrs French all the best this year with her new endeavour.



Many students in year six nominated for the student council or faction captain positions. Their speeches in the shadow of our school bell were excellent and showed a lot of passion for their school. The Electoral Commission will be conducting the elections today. Students in years 4-6 will have the opportunity to vote and learn a little about our electoral system in Australia.


School Board:

Nominations for the three positions available on the School Board close on FRIDAY the 18th of February. Please contact the school if you would like an information pack or would like a nomination form. Please speak to any of the current Board if you would like any further information: Ms Tingle, Lee McIntosh, Daniel Gretton, Ms Reid, Mrs Walker or myself. Our outgoing members, Katie Perpitch, Mark Delaney and Luke Bostelman would also be delighted to assist with any queries.


‘Your Move’ Brochure:

Coming home on Friday is a brochure developed by our senior students last year as part of a ‘Your Move’ grant to encourage more students to ride and walk to school. This brochure includes a map that looks at negotiating around our suburb to come to school. The footpaths also have painted stop signs at road edges and blue footprints to show some ways of getting to school. Our school champions last year were able to, with the assistance of Nyanda one of our parents, write articles to earn points for a range of rewards from the Department of Transport ‘Your Move’ initiative. Other activities paid for by these points have included: bike servicing, bike riding lessons, bike checks, an excursion to the Constable Care centre and a skateboard clinic. We have also used points to buy umbrellas and other prizes for our Walk and Cycle to School breakfasts. 






Glenn Rondoni
