News from  Frazer Rigby

Deputy Principal

This week, many of our staff were away on the Year 10 camp and the Year 11 retreat. These are important opportunities to strengthen the teacher-student relationship. We recognise that work outside the classroom reinforces work within the classroom. This is all part of our holistic approach to education. It is important to acknowledge this dimension of teaching. It is invaluable, and the staff are to be congratulated on willingly doing good quietly for the benefit of the young men at Saints.


Cerise and Blue 

This is the College’s annual open night, which is an opportunity for prospective members of the Saints community to come and see the way we do things here. Cerise and Blue is on Tuesday 16 August, from 5:00 to 7:30pm. All students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are expected to attend in full college uniform.


Bullying and Harassment

Graduating and current students often talk about the prominence and importance of family spirit and brotherhood at St Augustine’s. Our heads of year take a proactive approach and embed discussions about bullying, harassment and resilience into the pastoral care program. At Saints, we have a zero tolerance towards bullying and harassment in our community and see the support of families as integral to this goal. A partnership approach to reducing bullying is valued at the College to ensure our school environment is friendly and free of bullying behaviours. If your son tells you that he is being bullied at school, it is imperative that you contact his head of year who will swiftly deal with the matter. The links below, from the Queensland Government's Health and Wellbeing website, give valuable insight into how we can assist our children. 


Resources for parents

  • Bullying. No Way! provides information, advice and activities for parents and carers.
  • Stop cyberbullying offers practical ways for parents and carers to recognise the signs and support their child if they are affected by cyberbullying.
  • ThinkUKnow what your child is up to online? The Parents Portal gives you tips and advice for keeping your child safe online.
  • iParent answers many of the questions you might have about protecting and supporting your child if they are affected by cyberbullying.
  • Social media services safety centre helps parents learn about safe site use for the latest games, apps and social media and report abuse or offensive content.


Wednesday, 7 September 2022 


Parent Seminar with Q & A to Answer Parents Digital Dilemmas

Dr Kristy Goodwin, a digital parenting educator, researcher and author (and mum to three boys), translates the latest research about how boys' technology habits are shaping their childhood and adolescence. She helps confused and concerned parents make informed decisions about how to best manage technology at home with their sons (so it doesn't always end in tears and tantrums). And no, she won't suggest that you ban the iPad, or gaming console. Kristy will arm parents with essential information about how gaming, social media and pornography are influencing boys' health, learning and development and how inappropriate technology habits can adversely affect boys' sleep, learning, attention spans and physical health and wellbeing. 


Dr Kristy will also talk about addiction and strategies to develop healthy technology habits with boys. She arms parents with simple strategies and ideas to confidently navigate the digital world with their sons. Dr Kristy will explain why boys often experience techno-tantrums and become agitated when they stop using screens (there's a neuroscientific explanation for your son's frustration) and effective strategies to ensure his online safety, because digital abstinence isn't a solution.