Parents & Friends (P&F)

Dear all
Dates for your diary for TERM 1 2022
Week 1 | Prep & New Families Morning Tea As the newest members of St Joseph’s start their first day of school, we welcome all of our Prep and New families to share some morning tea in the school hall after drop off. |
Week 2 | Information Evening/Cheese & Wine Night As we begin a new school year, join us to hear about the vision of the school for the year ahead. |
Week 2 | HOLT Tennis |
Week 3 | Sunday 13th February Commitment Mass & Morning Tea Join us as we celebrate the new school year at St. Joseph’s at a Welcome Mass and Morning Tea. All welcome to attend. Bring a plate to share. |
Week 3 | P&F Meeting Join us for the first P&F meeting of 2022. New members welcome. The meeting will take place at 7pm in the school hall. |
Week 3 | Life Ed Van |
Week 3 | HOLT Swimming Carnival |
Week 4 | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Week 5 | Saturday 5th March Parents Social Event Join us in the school hall for a fun social event for parents and caregivers. |
Week 6 | Milkshake Friday The P&F will be making milkshakes that can be purchased during snack time. |
Week 7 | P&F Meeting Join us for the first P&F meeting of 2022. All are welcome. |
Week 7 | St Joseph’s Colour Fun Run A spectacular and colourful fun run for the children and a great way to raise money for the school. The P&F will also be organizing a special lunch that will be available for purchase. |
Week 8 | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Week 9 | Grade 5 / 6 Camp Our Grade 5/6 will be enjoying an exciting Surf Camp. |
Week 10 | Twilight Athletics Carnival A lovely evening to come together and watch the children in our Twilight Athletics Carnival. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. |
Week 10 | Easter Bonnet Parade & Easter Raffle Join us on the last day of Term 1 for our popular whole school event as the children model their creative Easter Bonnets and see who the lucky winners of the Easter Raffle are. |