As a family, list or draw pictures of things children are hoping for thisChristmas. Together, decide and circle one or two things for which they are really hoping. Ask how these things could help them share Jesus (The Hope) with others.Choose one way to share The Hope (Jesus) with a friend. As a family, plan how to carry out that act of sharing.1. Who is The Hope of the World? 2. How can we share Jesus with family and friends?
Week 2
Peace. That’s an interesting word. Do you know what it means? Peace is the feeling of being safe and secure. You may feel a sense of peace when you are sitting in your mum or dad’s lap. True peace is trusting God to take care of your needs in any situation. A long time ago, God blessed the world with peace through the Prince of Peace, Jesus. Jesus allows us to have peace in our lives because He is theSaviour of all the world. God, thank You for blessing us with Jesus.
Bring a piece of paper and a pencil to the table for one of your meals as a family today. After you have talked with your children about any daily things they would like to share, ask them to brainstorm with you about places they think are peaceful. Some ideas might be sitting on a chair at the beach, taking a walk through the forest, or sitting under a blanket while reading a book. Help each of your children think about places where they feel peaceful. Write each of those ideas down on the sheet of paper. Remind your children that true peace is trusting God to take care of your needs in any situation. Ask your children the difference between a peaceful place and the peace that God offers. Explain that being in a peaceful place is only a temporary peace. God’s peace lasts forever. Who is the Prince of Peace? How can we experience peace by trusting God?
Week 3
Someone once told me that joy was the feeling of smiling in your tummy. Joy isn’t just a smile or something you feel when you hear a funny joke. Joy is a happy feeling that comes from inside of you.People who believe in Jesus experience true joy. Jesus gives joy. Joy is knowing that Jesus loves you and that you can always depend on Him. Jesus has always been and will always be the true Source of joy.
FAMILY ACTIVITY: JOYFUL PANCAKES For dinner tonight prepare pancakes in the shape of the letters J, O, and Y. Don’t worry, they won’t be perfect! As your family enjoys their pancakes, talk about things that make them happy. Remind them that earthly things might make them happy for a little while, but the joy we receive from Jesus will always last.1. What are things that make you happy? What are things that make you joyful?2. How do you think the shepherds felt when the angel told them about Jesus’ birth?
Week 4
‘For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16
One basic need that we all share as humans is to be loved. By our family. By our friends. How? Unconditionally. What an overwhelming reality, though, to be told in Scripture that you are unconditionally loved by God.
A second need is to have the assurance of where each of us will spend eternity. And, as only God can do, in this same short verse we are told that because of God’s love, he sent Jesus to die for our sins. By trusting in what he did on the cross, we can believe and have the same assurance of being a part of God’s family forever.
As an adult or child, it is always a good idea to make a list of ways that God has shown His love to you. Draw one line vertically down the centre of the page and two lines horizontally across the page to make6 boxes. In each box draw a picture of how God shows His love to you. Pray, thanking God for His unconditional love.
1. Who loves you more than anyone else?
2. What did Jesus do to show His and His Father’s love for you?
Advent Prayer Lord God, may we, your people,
who look forward to the birthday of Christ experience the joy of salvation and celebrate that feast with love
and thanksgiving.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen
On a personal note, thank you for all your kind thoughts, prayers, gifts and encouragement through a difficult time in my life. I have felt your warmth and wishes from afar which has enabled me to stay positive and keep focused on returning to good health.
May you all share in a happy, holy and safe Christmas with your family and welcome in 2022 with those you love.
Many thanks for your support.
Warm regards,
Jenny Keely REL