Minds Matter

From your College Psychologist

Ellie Keane
Ellie Keane

Welcome to 2022! A new year can be a fresh start and comes with different life transitions for all. Some young people may be transitioning from primary to high school, while others are transitioning to different year levels or pastoral groups. While these transitions can bring excitement and happiness, they can also bring a feeling of unease and uncertainty. Supporting our young people through these transitions can help build their resilience and wellbeing.


The beginning of 2022 has also been impacted by the increasing presence of COVID-19 in Australia. Many families would have been affected by illness or isolation throughout the school holidays, and this can create stress within the family. With the new school year being postponed, some young people may have found the transition back to face-to-face learning overwhelming and difficult. Providing reassurance that school is a safe environment can be helpful for those young people who may be fearful of returning to school due to COVID-19.


As always, ensuring your young person is getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising are important for their overall wellbeing, and for them to have the best chance of success. These additional suggestions may assist your young person with their transitions:

  • Explore your young person’s feelings about change and validate their emotional experience. 
  • Provide reassurance.
  • Do not facilitate avoidance behaviour, as this reduces their capacity to cope in the future.
  • Help your young person to reflect on previous transitions and successes they have achieved.
  • Encourage them to seek support when required, whether that be through a classroom teacher, pastoral guardian, teaching and learning guardian, or school psychologist.
  • Suggest or assist your young person to engage in meditation practices to help manage stress. 

SchoolTV also provides suggestions for assisting your young person with school transitions: https://mta.qld.schooltv.me/newsletter/school-transitions


On a final note, another transition for our community this year is the departure of Emma Moore (School Psychologist). Emma was a valuable member of our pastoral team and will be missed. 


Wishing your young person a rewarding year ahead. If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to discuss, please contact counsellor@mta.qld.edu.au


Dr Ellie Keane 

School Psychologist