Notizie Italiane

Buon Natale!


As the school year ends, it is time to say a big GRAZIE to our wonderful Italian Leaders for 2021 - Amelia and Zara.

Amelia and Zara have met with us in their lunchtime weekly to help choose the word of the week, to organise what they will say at assembly and to contribute ideas to the Italian program. They have been super-reliable and it’s been great to watch them grow in confidence as they presented ‘Bandi’, our Italian flag prize, to the class who used the word of the week the most, and as they introduced the new language to the whole school.

Auguri for being such wonderful Italian Leaders, Amelia and Zara. We wish you all the best for your language studies in high school.


We are also very excited to welcome our new 2022 Italian Leaders, Jacob and Indi, to their roles. You both have amazing language skills and we know you will continue the great work Amelia and Zara started this year.


Tanti auguri di buone feste!


Signora Facchinetti 

Italian Teacher


Signorina Liv

Italian Assistant