
Take Home Readers

Each week students will be taking home between 2-5 levelled take home books to read. Students are encouraged to read on a daily basis, however, only 5 reading sessions are to be recorded in their reading diary each week. In regards to the levelled books that students take home, these levels have been given to each student based on their screening assessments. Please also note that levels may change as the term progresses. 


Other Homework

Homework is an important part of consolidating and practising skills that students have learnt at school. For all Level 1 & 2 students, the expectation of homework each week is that they read at least 5 times. This also needs to be recorded in their reading diary, which the teachers will collect each week to monitor their progress. For more information on ‘Take Home Readers’ please read the above information.


In addition to the homework outlined above, Level 1 and 2 students can choose to improve their spelling and recognition of the tricky words they have learnt (and will be learning) in class. Activities to assist with this include identifying words in the texts you have at home, as well as writing out (or creating) each word several times. For specific information on the tricky words that are relevant for all Level 1 and 2 students, please go to the curriculum tab in this newsletter.



  • Tricky Word Rainbow Writing - Students carefully write each letter using a pencil or texta, saying the letter name as they write, and then the whole word. Several different colours could be used to make a rainbow effect.
  • Sentence Writing - Students write their own sentences using the target tricky words and then read their sentences to a family member.
  • Word Hunt - Students look for the targeted tricky words in their reader or other texts at home. They then write the word out and read it to a family member.
  • Syllable Sort - Students write down a tricky word and then break it into syllables. The amount of syllables in a word can be shown using a vertical line where the end of the syllable is.
  • Segmenting and Blending - Students say a tricky word and then write it down by saying each letter name. Next, students use their hands to stretch each word out (phonemes/sounds) and then blend it back together.