
Curriculum Foci
Reading and Spelling
Level 1
This term the ‘Reading and Spelling’ program will include the following:
- Graphs: y (cry),
- Digraphs: ai (rain), ay (play), ee (tree), ea (leaf), oa (boat), ow (snow), ew (grew), ue (glue), ar (star), or (fork), ore (snore), ir (stir), er (fern), ur (surf), a_e (cake), i_e (bike), o_e (bone), e_e (eve),
- Trigraphs: igh (light)
- Grammar: verbs, homophones, adjectives
- Spelling: suffix ‘s’ (plurals), suffix ‘ing’, suffix ‘er’
- Other: two syllable words
- New Tricky Words: mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, family, two, three, four, why, because, house, before, after, these, work, baby, children
- Tricky Words to Revise: said, are her, was, you, very, put, have, were, then, there, they, here, what, want, some, where, should, would, could, saw, friend, school, your, again, home, who, many, any, love, over, says
- Storybooks: making predictions, answering comprehension questions (literal & inferential), making connections, learning new vocabulary, writing a response to the story, summarising (beginning, middle, end)
- Reading Practise: reading appropriate levelled decodable texts, assisting students to increase their reading stamina, explicit teaching on how to choose ‘good fit’ books, weekly conferencing with their teacher, ongoing practise of increasing their fluency while reading
- Assessment: regular reviews are completed to assess reading and spelling growth
Level 2
This term the ‘Reading and Spelling’ program will include the following:
- Comprehension Strategies: connecting, visualising, asking questions
- Graphs: y (puppy)
- Digraphs: ar (star), ey (key), ir (stir), er (herb), ur (surf), ou (cloud), ow (cow), oi (coin), oy (boy), ch (school), ph (phone)
- Trigraphs: eer (cheer), ear (hear), air (hair), are (care), ear (bear)
- Grammar: noun groups, verbs, adverbs, prepositions
- Spelling: adding the suffix ‘er’, ‘s’, ‘ing’, ‘ful’ to a base word, adding the prefix ‘un’ to a base word
- Other: how to read and spell multi-syllable words (eg. 2 syllable words)
- New Tricky Words: alright, already, across, lose, build, tomorrow, through, surprise
- Tricky Words to Revise: always, said, their, they, mother, brother, father, sister, house, about, school, cousin, every, only, there, where
- Reading Practise: reading appropriate levelled decodable texts, assisting students to increase their reading stamina, explicit teaching on how to choose ‘good fit’ books, weekly conferencing with their teacher
- Assessment: regular reviews are completed to assess reading and spelling growth
Level 1
This term the ‘Writing’ program will include the following:
- Text Types: informative texts, imaginative texts, persuasive texts
- Editing: capital letters, punctuation marks ( . ! ? ), editing for meaning, editing spelling
- Grammar: adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, time connectives, proper nouns
- Lightning Writing: free choice writing to develop ideas, text structure, sentence structure, practise of spelling tricky words (high frequency words), as well as an opportunity to practise their writing goal
- Handwriting: letter formation, pencil grip, correct posture, correct entrance and exit points, spacing
Level 2
This term the ‘Writing’ program will include the following:
- Text Types: procedural texts, information reports
- Editing: capital letters, punctuation marks ( . ! ? ), editing for meaning, editing for text structure, editing spelling
- Grammar: imperative verbs, noun groups, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions,
- Handwriting: letter formation, pencil grip, correct posture, correct entrance and exit points, spacing
Writing Skills:
sentence structure, text structure, using paragraphs, use of topic sentences
Level 1
This term the ‘Mathematics’ program will include the following:
Number and Algebra
- Money and financial maths - recognising, describing and ordering Australian coins
- Fractions - investigating halves
- Patterns & algebra - describing number patterns using skip counting, and solving problems with repetition
Measurement and Geometry
- Length - comparing measurements using informal units, eg. blocks
- Location & transformation - giving and following directions
- Shape - recognising, classifying and describing 2D and 3D shapes
Statistics and Probability
- Chance - describing the chance of everyday activities in terms of ‘will happen’, ‘might happen’, and ‘won’t happen’
Level 2
This term the ‘Mathematics’ program will include the following:
Number and Algebra
- Money and financial maths - recognising, counting and ordering Australian coins and notes
- Fractions - investigating halves, quarters & eighths
- Patterns & algebra - completing number patterns
Measurement and Geometry
- Length - comparing and ordering measurements using informal units, eg. blocks AND using scaled instruments to measure length
- Location & transformation - using maps and locations, describe flips and slides, as well as describing half and quarter turns
Statistics and Probability
- Chance - identifying, describing and solving outcomes by chance
During Term 3, students will continue to work through the school’s Respectful Relationships program focusing on positive coping strategies. Then later in the term, students will investigate the overall topic titled ‘My Town’, where we will inquire into our local community, features of places & their location, traditional owners of our land, and changes to places over time. In addition to the above, students will also complete a unit of work on ‘allergies’ where they will learn what the most common allergens are, symptoms of an allergic reaction, food allergy prevention and management, as well as ways we can help people with allergies.