Learning and Teaching

In last week’s newsletter, I shared the Term Overviews for each of our Learning Communities. These Overviews are also available on our school website. These overviews give parents an outline of what their children will be learning over the term. During the period of remote learning, each Year Level team will continue to follow their planned outline to ensure a continuity of learning for all the children at Corpus Christi school. This week we will look at a snapshot of the learning happening in the Year Prep Learning Community.
Earlier in the year, the Year Preps learnt about 2D shapes. This gave them a good base to develop their knowledge of 3D shapes. The Victorian Curriculum level description for Foundation states ‘students name, sort and describe familiar everyday shapes and objects.’ They need to identify simple shapes in their environment and sort shapes by their common and distinctive features.
Last week the Year Preps investigated the properties of 3D shapes. They were involved in various learning activities such as using geoshapes, sorting shapes and building with foam blocks. This week during remote learning, the children were asked to create their own 3D masterpiece using objects from home. Check out their masterpieces below:
Deborah Courtney
Director of Learning and Teaching