From the Principal's Desk

Extended Lockdown
A week is certainly a long time in education!
This time last week I wrote to you all announcing an 'easing' of restrictions and a return to somewhat 'normal' conditions. Who was to know that the day after publication we were to be in lockdown mode again.
And now with the state government announcing yesterday that the current restrictions for Victoria will remain in place until 11.59 pm on Tuesday 27 July, I suppose it's very easy to get disheartened.
Having said this, I am so proud of the manner in which our community transitioned into Remote Learning 5.0. It took only two hours for our staff to switch their learning program online and by 11:00am last Friday morning, Google Classrooms were re-enacted and children were joining their teachers for their morning Meet while most other Melbournian schools scheduled last-minute school closure days or had limited learning opportunities made available at best. Not a bad effort considering less than 24 hours earlier we were planning for ways to reconnect our community and 'opening up' our classrooms.
I know too just how keen our children are to be connecting with their teachers and peers each morning. One only has to look at the number of children who were logging on to our Monday morning Assembly well before 8:00am as proof of their eagerness to engage. I also had a chuckle to myself when I popped into the Year 3/4 learning space where our Onsite Supervision Program was running yesterday morning well before 9:00am and saw every child sitting patiently in front of their Chromebook waiting for their teacher to appear.
So as we forge ahead learning in the online space, I thank everyone for their efforts: our staff for their professionalism and ingenuity, our parents for your patience and understanding and the assistance you provide your children while still working and running a household; and to our children for your engagement and persistence and for the joy you bring us all when we see your faces each morning. We will get through this together.
Onsite Supervision Program Eligibility
All students will continue to learn from home, except for students in the following categories:
- children whose parents/carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:
- where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for onsite provision
- for single parents/carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for onsite provision
- children experiencing vulnerability, including those:
- residing in out-of-home care
- deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
- identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable (including via referral from a government agency, funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service, or mental health or other health service).
It was announced yesterday that onsite supervision is also available where a parent/carer indicates that a student with a disability is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home or informs the school the student is vulnerable due to family stress.
It's a Girl
Congratulations to Mrs Brittney Wohling and her husband Ryan on the safe arrival of little Eden Nellie.
This little bundle of joy couldn't wait any longer, coming into the world at 38 weeks! Mum, Baby, and Dad all doing well!
It was fantastic to once again have the ability to have all families connect with us at our whole school assembly last Monday Morning. Thank you to Mr Wil Marks for his assistance in getting our 'account' upgraded appropriately so that we can accept up to 250 participants.
The workaround does however mean that we can no longer use the cckassembly nickname to join the Meet. Teachers will now share a special assembly link in their Google Classroom Stream and/or timetable for children to access. To ensure children do not enter the Meet too early and unsupervised, the link may not be visible until after 8:30 am.
My Hyde's Friday Super Quiz
Back by popular demand, my world-famous Friday Super Quiz will once again be held this Friday 23rd July commencing at 2:00pm.
Test your knowledge of Sport, History, Movies, Science, Music and more by joining my Super Quiz at 2:00pm.
Teachers will share the Meet link with students just prior to 2:00pm via their Google Classrooms.
Who will be crowned this week's Superquiz Champion?
Have a wonderful week. Hope to see you all next Wednesday. Fingers crossed!
God bless
Anthony Hyde
LATE NEWS: Support your child’s learning and help get their spark back
Registration information for parents/carers
Andrew Fuller - Clinical Psychologist, Author and Family Therapist
2 additional free webinars (Monday 26 @ 1-2pm or Tuesday 27 July @ 5.30 - 6.30pm)
· each webinar is capped at 500 participants
· webinars are not able to be recorded
· registration details below
Monday 26 July 26 @ 1 - 2pm
Register for tickets here:
Tuesday 27 July 27 @ 5.30 - 6.30pm
Register for tickets here:
Home schooling and the uncertainty of 2020/21 have left families feeling anxious and perhaps a little overwhelmed.
Clinical psychologist and family therapist Andrew Fuller is holding a webinar which is applicable to every family and empowers parents to guide their children (and themselves) towards success.
Andrew’s webinar will help parents with practical tips on home schooling and show them how to get their kids’ mojo back by finding their particular learning strengths and identifying 10 things highly successful students do to study. He will also help parents to deal with the after-effects of 20/21 with tips and information on how to overcome anxiety in children.
Andrew Fuller combines the latest research from brain science, positive education and resilience to create strength-based education.
There will be a presentation and then the opportunity for parents to ask questions directly.