High Potential Learners

Janelle Santolin

Leader of Pedagogy











Both Year 7 and Year 8 HPL English students have been immersing themselves in literature and analysing novels.


Year 7s have read and reviewed The Giver, by Lois Lowry. They also engaged in many Literature Circle activities where they identified plot elements, examined characterisation and the effect of symbolism on the reader. Once they had determined the style and techniques used by the author, they created their own narrative which gave voice to a minor character.

Year 8s delved into the context of WWII through the novel, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. The novel, written as a series of letters, prompted the students to question themes of Literature, War, and Community during World War 2. Students responded with an analytical essay inclusive of thesis statements and evidence from the text. It was fantastic to see some student responses demonstrating skills at Year 9, 10 and even senior levels! Well done to all.


The key takeaway from both HPL English classes was:

Watch the movie, spoil the book. Read the book, spoil the movie.




Make sure you go to The College Post on our website to help celebrate our student writing. This edition of The College Post highlights the 7 HPL English students’ critique of their novel, The Giver, written by Lois Lowry. The students have forensically scrutinized their text and offer their reflections to you via a paragraph review.











Clare Zappala / Science Teacher


The Year 7 HPL science students have had a busy term participating in project-based learning of Physics. Students kick-started the term by learning about forces and using this knowledge to create and evaluate a parachute made from simple materials. Check out some of the creations below! Eggbert in the Eggmobile took out first prize.


They also learnt about simple machines and used their understanding of mechanical advantage to engage in a hypothetical design project of stairs and ramps for the new HOB building. Using CoSpace technology, students brought their design to life. Have a look at some of the images below to see their designs!

Finally, students learnt about magnetism and made a simple electric motor using knowledge of electromagnetism. Next term, the Year 7 HPL science class will study Biology, looking at classification, ecosystems and animal adaptations.