Great Learning  in 1/2!

Descriptive writing!

In 1/2  we are learning to write narratives and we have started by learning about adjectives. Adjectives are describing words that are used to describe nouns (people, places and things). Once we start writing stories later this term, adding adjectives will make our writing so much more interesting! This week we practised writing descriptions by brainstorming adjectives to describe a circus scene, and then used our adjectives in sentences. Have a look at the circus scene and our wonderful work!


This term we have been learning to use different strategies to solve addition and subtraction equations. Last week, we focused on subtraction. Here are some of the activities we completed and things that we learnt...


"We sorted the subtraction equations into the strategy we would use to solve them. We had a group for zeros, a group where we could use multiplication, a group for the jump strategy and a group for find the difference." - CO


"I learnt how to find the difference between numbers to solve subtraction equations." - Jayden


"We had to roll the dice. We started at 20 and took away the number that we rolled. We had to cross out the answer. We used the counting back strategy." - Averie


"We were using patterns to solve subtraction equations. We can also use addition to help us with subtraction." - Giorgie


"We were making 10. We were using patterns to help us with subtraction." - Mia


The 1/2 students participate in spelling lessons that focus on one sound (phoneme) and the associated spelling choices.  As a class, students explore spelling patterns and practise breaking words into their sounds.  Throughout the week we explore these patterns through whole class, small group and independent activities. At the end of each week students complete a spelling dictation test to have a go at applying what they have learnt.   During our whole class lessons, the 1/2s focus on handwriting, letter formation, syllables and any spelling generalisations that are applicable.

We have included just a few slides from our Weekly Spelling Lessons.

Work Samples & Activities

Here are some samples of what students complete in class and a link to an online spelling resource that is free to use at home


Visual Arts

During our Visual Art lessons, we have experimented with lines to create snails. We found this challenging but fun. Check out our amazing work!


Our Inquiry this term looks at 'Systems', in particular, the design process. We are only just beginning to learn about this process for solving problems.

The students were asked to solve the problem of making a finger puppet to use in a Wellbeing activity. Initially, all that was provided was the problem and some materials the students could use. The students used their imaginations to come up with an idea for a puppet, but quickly discovered that things don't always go according to plan! Some needed to change the plan and try out other ideas, methods or materials to improve on the original idea. 

Have a look at some of our creations.