Council Road Safety Project

Update on Koola Ave

The majority of Ku-ring-gai council road safety projects have been completed, these include: 

  1. A raised crossing on Churchill Ave adjacent to Koola Avenue together with a realignment of the footpath.
  2. A median strip down the centre of Koola Avenue to prevent illegal U-turns.

A low-level rubber roundabout is still to be constructed on the intersection of Koola Avenue and Warrington Avenue and should be completed before the end of the month.


The primary reason behind these improvements is student safety. 


To drop-off or pick-up students from Killara High School please use the Kiss and Drop zone on the western side of Koola Avenue or the car park in the same area. When exiting the car park, please remember it is a left turn only. A legal U-turn can then be performed at the new roundabout or a right turn into Bligh Street.


Thank you for your co-operation with these new road conditions.


Bruce Davidson

Business Manager