Faith Matters

                          At St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


As we are currently focusing on NAIDOC Week, some of our classes have begun exploring the links between our Catholic faith and Aboriginal beliefs and culture.

The children are, for example, learning about the stories of the Dreamtime and how these like Genesis, in our Bible, are an important part of our history but the accounts and stories have to be understood within the time that they were written. The authors had limited knowledge of science and the world, so this was their way of trying to explain what they believed.  The children are also beginning to explore the messages and lessons these stories are trying to teach us.


During prayer time we are utilising a number of indigenous prayers and faith songs.

An indigenous prayer used by our 3 - 6 classes
An indigenous prayer used by our 3 - 6 classes

We now look forward to First Communion with children from the Year 4 and 5 classes on Sunday 25th July.  This sacrament which had previously been postponed is now almost upon us and the children are very excited about celebrating and receiving Eucharist for the first time.  My sincere thanks to the families of our candidates who have been very patient and understanding of the changes in date that have occurred, particularly the Year 5 families who have been waiting for over a year.


Blessings to you all.


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader