Stephanie Alexander Kitchen 


Sonia Nista - Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Specialist

I've loved watching the students making their Zucchini slice and seeing just how much they're enjoying making fresh healthy and delicious dishes. Their "Salads of the Imagination" have been bright and colourful which means they are adding lots of different fruit and vegetables. Hopefully you have been given a taste of their talents at home too!



Moving into Autumn we still have our delicious zucchini coming in from the garden, but they are slowing down and we are now starting to harvest our eggplants, apples, tomatoes and beans.  For the current menu we are making:

  • Ratatouille
  • Bread rolls
  • Apple, sultana and cinnamon muffins
  • Salad of the imagination (years 5 and 6)

We're now halfway through our eggplant menu, with all going well. I've had a few mixed reviews of the ratatouille which I expected because of the vegetable content. What I am really pleased about is that MOST of the students are trying it, which at the end of the day is what we want. Students that liked it, were pleasantly surprised by the flavours!

We're still talking all about our hero fruit and vegetables, by asking 'what is a fruit and what is a vegetable?'. We've learned in the past week that eggplant is indeed a fruit, and that it is actually a berry. This has created lots of discussion during kitchen class which is fantastic to listen to!