The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins


Sustainability Team 

School's Clean Up Australia Day 

We have "BIN" so busy cleaning up Australia over the past week. Last Friday, before the temperatures soared to 38 degrees, the whole school set out to pick up every piece of rubbish in and around our school yard. We were pleasantly surprised to find that we actually struggled to find much rubbish at all. We hope that this a result of our 'Take In, Take Out' policy where students are now taking home all the rubbish they bring to school. We have been over the moon to see so many students bringing 'nude' lunch boxes without any wrappers at all so thank you for that! A huge thank you also to all staff and students for their efforts cleaning up our school environment. We really do 'Thrive in a Team Culture!'

Clean Up Australia Day at Braeside Park 

Following the school's clean up, we then ventured across to Braeside Park to assist on the official Clean Up Australia Day. Over 10 families and 4 staff members turned up, despite the heat, to donate their time to cleaning up the park (our best turn out ever so far!). Some families mentioned that they had never been across to Braeside Park before and they were impressed with the wildlife, park playground and walking/riding tracks on offer so close to home. If you've never been there it's a great place to explore and spend some time out in nature. After two hours of non-stop rubbish collection, we all celebrated our massive haul of over 30 big hessian bags of rubbish with some tea, coffee, cordial, fruit and biscuits.

A great, big thank you to everyone who participated in the event this year! 

Green Team 

We got "CRAY" at our first Green Team meeting for the year making new crayons from old ones.

If anyone forgot to pick up their completed crayon please come to Miss Baxter's room to collect. We all love this activity and will definitely do it again later in the year! 


Check out our origami 'Chatterboxes' made from recycled paper! These are fun and easy toys to create from paper. Here is a link to a 'how to' if you would like to make them at home: