Office News 

Uniform Shop

In consultation with Parent Club and School Council it has been decided that PSW will take over the supply of school uniform items as of the 15th April, 2019. We anticipate this change will provide a more accessible option for the purchase of the school's uniform items and offer an enhanced service to suit the needs of the school community.


The uniform will be available from the PSW store in Cheltenham which is located at 15 Mills Street, Cheltenham. Trading hours are Tues to Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm and Sat from 10:00 - 1:00. Orders will also be available online through

Orders will continue to be processed through Quickcliq until the 25th March.


If you have any questions in regards to this please contact the office on 9551 1727

Lost Property

All lost property can be found in the foyer of the school hall in our newly built drawer units, with a hanging rack for jackets. If your child has lost an item of clothing, please direct them to this area. Students can check the drawers themselves, but after a week, unnamed items will be hung on the rack and will require parent assistance to reach them. The office will hold items of a valuable nature. 

Please ensure ALL uniform items are clearly labelled to ensure they can be easily identified and encourage your child to take responsibility for any missing items by going to the lost property area regularly to check or collect items belonging to them.

Parent Club will be monitoring lost property on a regular basis. Unlabelled items will be removed at the end of every term.