Languages Corner
Paris Trip
Message from students about the trip:
“The trip was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it was amazing to be around so much rich culture and history! I have created strong friendships and have learnt how beautiful and diverse Paris is.” – Leah Sandow
“I enjoyed the trip to Paris. It was very good!! It was a great opportunity especially to make new friends! Thank you very much!” - Tiphaine Chevalier Freyeisen
“Although a lot of people spoke English, it was wonderful to be fully immersed and hear the language everywhere, in the trains, taxis and even just down the street.” – Tahlia Delaney-Murnane
Message from students about the ceremony at the Academie Francaise:
“It was an amazing feeling to be welcomed by everyone at the ceremony, and it was really interesting to listen and look at all of the different projects that were submitted around the world. It was such an honour to look around Academie Francaise and be surrounded by all of the culture and history of the French language.” – Leah Sandow
“The building was ornate and beautiful, and having the opportunity to go was an honour. Given that everyone there spoke French, and few knew English, it was a great way to be immersed in the French Language, especially in hearing all the speeches from different places.” – Tahlia Delaney-Murnane
“I was very honoured to be at this prestigious place. The building was very beautiful. The ceremony was very good, in enjoyed listening to all the speeches. I was very nervous but at the end I was very happy to be here! It was a great opportunity.” – Tiphaine Chevalier Freyeisen
Read about our mentions in the Australian and French media:
In French
In English
Loveena Narayanen
Head of Languages
Japanese Club
Every Wednesday lunchtime, the Japanese Club meet in Room 108 where we chat about Japanese interests, taste test Japanese food like "umeboshi" and "dorayaki" and made origami. We look forward to some Japanese activities next term!
Karen Muramatsu
Japanese Teacher
Hebrew News
Year 7 students proudly viewing their own pictorial dictionaries which they worked diligently on.
Dorit Tane
Hebrew Teacher