VCE Business Management

Year 11 Business Management – Excursion Activity
On Thursday 4th May all Year 11 Business Management students explored the Victoria Market, Melbourne Emporium and Melbourne Central in order to investigate different business locations and the factors that affect the choice of location. Students considered visibility, cost, proximity to customers and suppliers, proximity to competitors and complementary businesses. One of the purposes of this excursion was to help students plan for their school based business activity that ran later in term 2.
‘We got a good insight into how these businesses run.’ – Zachary Davis
‘We experienced a diverse range of marketing cultures. We enjoyed learning about the different atmosphere that was created in each location.’ – Lexa Parmar
‘It was inspirational to see some actual businesses in action and made us think about the advertising strategies that were used in the different business locations. This helped us reflect on the most effective strategies that were used to attract customers which we can now apply to our school based business activity’. – Michael
‘Observing how the businesses at the Victoria Market engaged with their customers made us think about what we could do for our school based business activity.’ – Campbell Hymans
‘We really liked the whole idea of going to different locations particularly the market to get an idea of the prices and the variety in the products that are being sold especially as some were similar to our school based business idea. We learned how we can improve our business ideas from looking at the places we visited in areas such as presentation, service, price and variety of products.’ – Madhusmitha Nallari
Melanie Mattsson
Humanities Coordinator
Year 11 Business Management Activity
On 19th May, the Year 11 Business Management classes ran their school based business activities on school grounds with the purpose of demonstrating some of their knowledge in a practical situation and with the idea of raising money for the Cancer Council. Some of the business activities included puppies and hot drinks, home-made baked goods, noodles, donuts and many more versatile ideas.
We successfully learned the basics and importance of business planning and raised more than $800! The whole activity was a success and having the opportunity to experience what operating a business is like was resourceful for our learning and useful for real life situations.
Well done to everyone who participated and raised money for a good cause.
Kali Appleby
Year 11
Year 12 Business Management Excursion – Yakult Australia Pty Limited
This term our Year 12 Business Management students went on an excursion to Yakult factory in Dandenong. The excursion was relevant to their Business Management Course and there is a case study on Yakult in the students’ textbook where they can apply their knowledge from this tour.
During the trip, students gained knowledge about the Yakult’s operation management, inputs, various types of technology (CAD/CAM/CIM/Automated Production lines etc.) used. Students learnt practical knowledge about quality checks, quality control and quality assurance in Yakult under strict lab conditions. They also become familiar with the waste management approach, which is lean management and their commitment toward corporate social responsibility. Students have learnt by watching every process through the glass screens while the factory was performing their daily operations. This tour has also given us information about the Yakult business processes, equipment used at various stages and job qualification and roles of employees of Yakult etc. All students were offered a free Yakult drink and an information pack on Yakult products and their business objectives.
Students watched a short video on Yakult, their business objectives and how they maintain 100% satisfactory customer service. They also watched videos showing how packaging bottles are manufactured inside the factory by using recycled plastic, filled with the Yakult via automated production line, then sealed and packed in an efficient and effective way. They also learnt about how faulty products are detected quickly and waste is minimised.
Overall, students learnt about the operation system of modern businesses and how the whole production processes are operated effectively and efficiently by the business to increase the profits.
This was a very successful excursion as per student feedback. I look forward to going on this excursion again next year with our new Year 12 Business Management group.
Parminder Kaur
Year 12 Business Management Teacher