School Crossing Campaign
VicRoads have collected traffic data over a week and sent it to school council, who are now examining the data before deciding on the next steps.
Glen Eira Council has invited community feedback on lowering speed limits to 40kmph on several streets in Glen Eira to improve safety where many people walk; including Glen Huntly Road between Booran and Grange Roads through the Glen Huntly Shopping Centre. Please ask the Council to also lower the speed limit in Booran Road between the Glen Eira Road roundabout and Glen Huntly Road past Glen Eira College and the busy new park – Booran Reserve, because these are busy pedestrian areas with many kids and dangerous fast traffic. Phone
Glen Eira Council Traffic Engineering 9524 3333 or email
Year 7 Parents
Our Year 7 reps have started work on organising an informal get-together for parents of Year 7 students. Details will be sent out by email soon.
Movie Night
Our movie night on Sunday 4th June was a great night out. Thank you to everyone who supported the night by coming along and bringing their friends and family to see Wonder Woman with us. This was by far our most popular movie night so far, with 106 tickets sold, which meant the cinema was sold out. We were very happy to see so many families there, including students and future GEC students! Thanks to Julie Sunter for organising the night, including preparing the food and drinks. The night raised about $600, which will contribute to the finishing touches around the building work at Glen Eira College.
GEC Parents Association (GECPA) – Join Us!
GECPA is an active, well organised and friendly group of parents from across the school community. All GEC parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you.
We are seeking
- a volunteer with Webpage admin
- a volunteer to assist our alumni group – we have 80 members so far and need a help to send emails to invite them to events like the movie night and grow membership.
Thank you to Julie Sunter who has volunteered to take on the role of Treasurer.
If you are interested being involved in GECPA please send an email to
Weekly walk and talk
We have a social walking group each Tuesday evening (weather permitting) to walk and chat for about an hour. We meet on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve - corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads.
So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use).
Gran Prix Bicycles offer school families a 5% discount and 5% donation back to Glen Eira College. Collect a loyalty card from the school office and present it in store at Gran Prix Cycles, Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South.
Glen Eira Council Teen School Holidays program ages 12-18
Activities and Day trips
Cathy McNaughton and Juliet Brianton