From the Library

Chess Club Tournament
Last week saw the beginning of the Fairhill’s Library Chess Club Tournament. Organised by Year 11 student Jakob Davis, the Tournament is open to all students and will see House points awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players.
The game of chess can be traced back nearly 1500 years and is today a popular lunchtime activity in many school libraries. A 2020 study by Monash and Deakin Universities found that chess helps model, nurture and teach good risk-taking behaviour to children which helps them be better prepared to meet life’s challenges. Specifically chess builds students’ strategic risk taking skills whilst also boosting maths and rational thinking skills. For our Fairhills community, chess is also a great way to meet others within the school.
The Chess Tournament will be continuing in Term 2 so practice and enjoy your chess playing over the holidays!
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