
We have enjoyed having our students and staff back on campus! It has been great seeing the school come to life.
I have received very positive feedback from our year nine girls who attended the Bridge Builders Camp. They participated in various activities and attended sessions with guest speakers, including professional athletes, entrepreneurs, authors, life coaches and many more. We thank Bridge Builders for hosting a fantastic camp.
I also want to thank Peta and our university placement students – Eleri, Jess, Jo, and Kate. They ran a successful campaign to promote the National Day of Action against Bullying & Violence on the 19th of March. We started with presentations from the Pat Cronin Foundation, followed by sessions in health classes. The week concluded with having students and staff come together to use their creativity to create a calk artwork collage in the A-Block courtyard.
As you would be aware, we are making some changes around the wellbeing centre. As of the beginning of term 2, the sandwiches will be moving to the breakfast club. If any students want to grab something to eat for lunch, please access the breakfast club (details below).
We would like to wish all our students and families a safe and relaxing break and look forward to exciting wellbeing programs and events in term 2.
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything." – Iris Proverb
Amal Saleh-Zada - Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Amal Saleh-Zada | Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Don’t forget Breakfast Club runs every day from 8 - 8.30am and is open to all students and staff. There is a range of healthy brekkie options each day catering to all dietary requirements…and every Thursday is Pancake Thursday! The Breakfast Club is run by a group of community volunteers who generously give their time to support our school. Please always remember to be respectful to our wonderful volunteers
Accessing Support through Wellbeing
The Wellbeing team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of wellbeing. The Wellbeing Team can engage the student or family in an initial assessment of need, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.
We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level coordinators for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting Amal via email Amal.Saleh-Zada@education.vic.gov.au for referrals.
Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page
Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Coordinator - Amal Saleh-Zada
Chaplain – Stewart McCartney
Mental Health Practitioner - Peta Cartwright
Headspace Psychologist - Tashena Perry
Student Support Services Psychologist - Emily Habard