Level Low Downs


Our students in Years 4-6 recently completed their 20m Multistage Fitness Test (commonly known as the beep test). Generally speaking, a high result is an indication of aerobic fitness and connections are made in class between regular physical activity and improvements in aerobic fitness. The house cross country in Term 2 will give students another opportunity to demonstrate their fitness and challenge themselves to beat previous times. Here are some websites that explain some details of how the test is conducted and what the results indicate. See tables below.








Art Room

This week in the art room, the Prep students had a wonderful time getting gluey with papier mache! They have been creating an Easter garden with a variety of paper materials. The papier mache Easter egg will be the final finishing touch, before they take their artworks home next week!


The Prep students had such a great day yesterday showcasing their musical instruments for their Design and Technologies unit. In this unit, Preps understood the importance of planning, team work and re-purposing materials. Thank you to all families who collected materials from home to be used for instruments. We look forward to spending some time together at the Easter bonnet parade next Wednesday the 31st of March.

Year One

The Year 1s have had a terrific fortnight:

Mia:  We learnt all about the fluffy, cute chickens from Daisy and Adele in Year 6.

Elizabeth:  We listened to fun and exciting Maths songs to learn about skip counting and place value. We also wrote an assessment that was super epic.

Georgie:  We read the Greedy Grey Octopus and wrote our own adjectives like neon and shimmering.

Eli:  We watched Lionel throw a shiny extraordinary spear.

As you can see... the Year 1s are loving using powerful and interesting describing words!

Year Two

Friday 19th March was Harmony Day at BPS. In Year 2 we celebrated Australia's cultural diversity by sharing stories, creating friendship posters and participating in lots of dancing. Jack and Blake spoke at our school assembly to remind everyone about showing respect and the importance of having a sense of belonging. Well done, Jack and Blake!

Year Three

The Year 3 students enjoyed wearing a touch of orange for Harmony Day last week. They also enjoyed the 'crazy hair day'!!

Year Four

We are busy with our Inquiry Projects! The Year 4 students have chosen issues within the Bayside community they feel passionate about and are researching facts, information and rules and laws related to these topics. Using this data, students are creating presentations, posters and information reports to present their case to the (BPS) council. Thanks to the BYOD program we are able to use our laptops to conduct rich research and make exemplary presentations. You are looking at some active members of the Bayside community!

Year Five

This week in Year 5 we have been busy working on these things:

  • Maths – learning about vertical addition with renaming and perimeter
  • Literacy – finding a good fit book, reading groups and creating a picture story book for our new Year 1 buddies
  • Inquiry – filming our dramatisations
  • Resilience Project – working on ‘’T.H.I.N.K. before you act/speak”
  • BTN – learning about what is happening in the world and practising our note taking skills

One thing I’m grateful for this week is:

  • “being able to try out for an interschool sport”  - Sam 5G
  • “being able to use the middle of the SALC to complete group work and film my inquiry project” – Angus 5J
  • “all of the teachers helping us with our learning” – Macey 5C

A highlight from this week has been:

  • “having specialists all day Tuesday for planning day” – Tyler 5G
  • “having 100 minutes of Performing Arts” – Georgia 5J
  • “filming our inquiry project dramatisation” – Elicia 5C

Year Six

The Year 6s have been working hard on their inquiry projects for this term, for which they have chosen a specific person or event from the 20th Century that has impacted Australia. They are busy creating biographies, timelines and a creative piece to present to their peers next week. We also watched the movie Gallipoli and discussed the impacts of war and themes of mateship, honour and bravery. In response to this, students have been creating poetry, which they can enter into a local poetry competition. Some of the work they have produced already has been amazing and very powerful!