From the Principal and Assistant Principal 

A friendly reminder: 

Working Bee 9-11am:  Sunday 28th March

We encourage families to come along to the Working Bee and welcome new families to the school to join us. Working Bees ensure our grounds are kept neat and tidy for the students to enjoy and many hands certainly make light work. 


The priorities on the day will include 

-tidying the gardens

-sweeping and clearing away the leaves

-mulching the garden beds

-preparing the Kitchen Garden for the planting of winter vegetables. 

-relocating raised wooden planters outside the Library and Japanese rooms

-pruning the shrubs at the front of the school

Families are asked to bring along tools from home, including hedge clippers, loppers, spades, rakes, wheelbarrows and leaf blowers if possible. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Please register your attendancehere.

Term One Teacher Professional Learning at BPS

Parents will be aware that our teaching team meets twice a week after school on Mondays and Wednesdays to discuss learning and teaching in classrooms, across year levels and across the whole school.

Consistency and congruency in the delivery of the curriculum is the goal of every school and is a feature in high performing schools. 

At Beaumaris we have a shared understanding and common language from P-6 in our approach to teaching English (Reading, Writing, Spelling and Speaking and Listening), Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Statistics and Probability) and our Inquiry focus each term through Investigations and Inquiry projects. Our Inquiry focus enables a multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of the Victorian Curriculum.

Consistency and congruency are underpinned by a strong professional learning program for our teachers. 

This term our teacher professional learning program focused on:

  • Embedding a shared understanding and common language around the Goals and Key Improvement Strategies in our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan, available on our website.
  • Co-creating agreed staff norms based on high levels of relational trust, a feature of high functioning teams.
  • First Aid Training to ensure the safety of our students.
  • Ongoing data collection and data analysis, using whole school assessment tools,  to inform teaching and learning in the classroom.
  • Differentiated delivery of the curriculum, based on data analysis, to accommodate the broad learning needs of our students.
  • Inquiry learning in action and 21st century learning design to enrich student voice and agency.
  • Revisiting whole school Sustainability practices, supported by the Victorian Curriculum, to enrich student voice, agency and leadership.
  • Preparing parent information presentations to reflect our whole school approach to learning and teaching.
  • Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships training and the application of key concepts in the classroom. This is a state wide Department of Education and Training initiative.
  • Revisiting the Victorian Curriculum Capabilities continuum.
  • Undertaking Professional Practice Days. This is a state wide Department of Education and Training initiative. Teachers work collaboratively with their teaching team to develop and plan curriculum, prepare the classroom and year level program, analyse assessment of student learning and undertake peer observations of classroom practice.

BPS Take Home Books and School Novels

Our collection seems to be a little depleted at the moment as some books are not being returned when borrowed for nightly reading at home.

We will be very grateful if families help us by searching at home for school texts. Maybe they're under the bed, in the toy box, in the study, behind the cushions on the couch, or on the family bookshelf? Please send them back to school in your child's school bag to be passed onto the teacher. We completely understand it is very easy for books to go astray at home.

The average cost of each text in P-6 is approximately $10.00 so as you can imagine it is costly to keep replenishing texts that students have forgotten to return. Thank you for taking the time to look at home and we hope our collection grows!

Quote of the Week:  Respect

“If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you.” 

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Wilson

Principal                                                  Assistant Principal