Languages- Japanese

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Sensei Masae Uekusa (Japanese) 


Masae Sensei
Masae Sensei



In week 2, Foundation students learnt about the traditional celebration of ‘Children Day’ (boy’s day formerly). They were also introduced to term 2 unit ‘itadakimasu! (before-meal greeting)’ and participated in the song ‘Panda, Usagi, Koara (panda, rabbit and koala)’ with the actions to support their learning. Foundation students always greet with Masae-sensei in Japanese wherever they see her. Fantastic effort!


Grade 1/2:

After grade 1 and 2 students participated in the discussion about Japanese ‘Children’s Day’ in week 1, they reinforced their knowledge about this celebration by decorating their koi fish. The collection of their koi fish were put together to make a large ‘Koinobori (carp streamer)’ which is displayed outside the Japanese room (See the photos). Very well done!


Grade 3/4:

Grade 3 and 4 students started their new term by revising Japanese ‘Children’s Day’ features such as ‘Koinobori (carp streamers)’ and ‘Kabuto (Samurai warrior hat)’. To experience the Japanese culture, they worked on origami ‘kabuto’ and ‘koinobori’. Great effort!


Grade 5/6:

In week 2, grade 5 and 6 students reflected on their reading skills especially Hiragana letters. They learnt 3 important rules of Hiragana reading. Small ‘tsu’, ‘tenten’ and ‘maru’ change the pronunciation of the Hiragana letters. To reinforce their learning, they played a fun ‘Gimkit’ game. Great enthusiasm!