Principal's News
Mr Rodrigues
Principal's News
Mr Rodrigues
Dear Families,
These first two weeks of Term 2 seem to have passed extremely quickly with all the business of classes and the usual school routine falling into place. It is clear to see, from our children's work, that much great learning is taking place throughout the school. I have met with a number of new families exploring enrolment options for Prep 2022 and all are extremely impressed by what they see in classrooms as they tour the school and what they hear in regard to the programs we are able to offer in so many areas. More often than not, these new parents explain how important it is to find a school that offers a great community to which they can belong. It is all our current families we have to thank for this being a great strength of Trinity and a strong selling point for us. My appreciation to you all.
Term 2 Class Learning Overviews
Please find below links to your child's Learning Overview for Term 2. These overviews outline the learning covered in all curriculum areas during Term 2.
Senior Overview - Years 4,5&6.
Junior Overviews - Years Prep& Year1
Prep 2022 for our current families
Thank you to all those families who have completed enrolment forms for children who will be starting school next year at Trinity. We know that there may still be some current students who have brothers or sisters, or even cousins, who will be ready for Prep in 2022. It is important for those families to ensure they have completed the required enrolment forms so that we can confirm their places for next year. If you wish to collect an enrolment form please contact the office directly or you can download one from the school website here.
Due to COVID last year the usual NAPLAN testing did not occur, however, this year we are all set to go in Week 4. The first of the NAPLAN tests for children in Year 3 and Year 5 will be on Tuesday 11 May for Writing, Spelling and Grammar. On Wednesday children will complete the Reading Test and on Thursday Maths. Whilst we do use the results of the NAPLAN tests to identify general trends in our teaching and learning we are also very aware that NAPLAN is just one set of tests covering certain areas of the curriculum at a particular time of the year. Our own school based assessment and reporting is a much broader and thorough measure of how are children are progressing in these important areas. We take steps to ensure our children are prepared for the tests and that they do not cause unnecessary stress or anxiety for our children. We encourage all students to try their best on the day and give them the support they need.
School Photos
Next Wednesday, 5th May our school photos will be taken and we would like ALL students to be dressed in FULL SUMMER school uniform including black shoes. Of course, if it is cold on the day, students will be allowed to bring their jumpers, jackets etc to wear during the day to keep warm. It is really important that all students are dressed in correct uniform particularly for the group photos.
Parent Helper Workshops
Thank you to all those parents who attended our second Parent Helper workshop. It is so wonderful to know we have the support of our families and so many parents who are able to assist during the day. We also know that for many parents who work full time, helping in classrooms is simply not possible, but we also acknowledge the support they are able to give to their children at home throughout the term. If there are any other parents who would like to help in classrooms please contact Ms Marinelli to speak about this.
Annabelle Marinelli
Learning & Research Leader
9428 7180
Drop off and pick up times at all schools can present challenging situations and for us at Trinity this is no different. It is important, however, that we always keep in mind our safety and in particular the safety of our children. Our morning drop off procedures are generally okay as parents tend to arrive at different times. After school this is more difficult with parents arriving just before the bell and having to wait for children to be dismissed. Could I kindly ask that parents try to avoid stopping on Kent street and blocking traffic and that we always show patience and consideration towards each other as we negotiate the picking up of our children. It is also really important that we do not park across the driveway as this should be kept clear at all times.
Thank you all for your consideration in this area of our safety.
Lunch Orders for Term 2
We are conscious that we may still not have found the perfect solution to our school lunch order service and will keep an open mind in this area as we really do want to ensure that our families are able to access a service which can provide a range of good quality food at reasonable price.
Staff Conference
A reminder that next Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May are school closure days. Extend has agreed to provide day care on both days if they are able to get approximately 12 children on each day so that they can have adequate numbers to run the service. If you do require care on one or both of these days please email Julie ASAP:
Kind Regards
Mr Nigel Rodrigues