Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to week 3 term 2. It is pleasing to see all the positive learning happening across the school and our facilities getting utilized to their fullest. 

Parents Club: Last Friday the Parents Club met to elect the new office bearers for the new year of Parents Club, which runs from Term 2 2021 to end Term 1 2022. Congratulations to the following for being voted into the following positions: President: Lisa Pilkington; Vice President: Liz Darwish; Secretary: Janet Young and Treasurer: Fiona McKenzie. Thank-you to all the parents who attended the meeting and contribute in many ways across the school. If you are available to help out at any fundraising event in the future, we are happy to have you on board. Your commitment can be as large as leading one of the events or just simply helping for an hour or two on the day. You do not need to attend the parents’ club meetings to help out, just keep an eye open for the notes that come out seeking volunteers. 

Mothers' Day Stall: today a large group of volunteers ran the Mothers' Day Stall, which provide the students with the opportunity to purchase a small gift for the special person in their life. It was so lovely to see the children get excited about their purchases as this is something we missed out on last year. For the Year Preps and Year 1s, this was their first Mothers' Day Stall. A huge thank-you needs to be sent to the mums and dads who helped out on the day or helped set-up the day before. Thank-you to: Jess mum of Sophie 2C and Darren PD; Melissa mum of Michael 3A; Erin mum of Ayden 56B and Zayvier 3A; Crystal mum of Abigail 2G; Namgyal mum of Gelek 3C and Lhazey 56D; Lisa mum of Zakari 3M; Maria mum of Georgia 56G and Ben 3C; Liz mum of Awdel 1M and Jibril 3D; Charlene mum of Rosealee 3C; Rodney dad of Alexis 3M; Lavinia aunty of Rahiri PrepD; Htoo Htoo Soe dad of Phillip 4M, Steve 2W and Lucy 1M; and Gabriele mum of Blake 1M. Your efforts are appreciated by all.

Fresh Fruit Friday: Every week we provide fresh fruit for each class. If you are free on a Friday morning for an hour or 2, please sign in at the office and make your way to the staffroom to join the other parents available to prepare the fruit platters. The more the merrier and it’s a good opportunity to meet other people. Thank-you to the team who have been consistently coming each week and to those who have helped out whenever they can – Again it is much appreciated by all.

NAPLAN: Earlier this week Mrs Cvitkovic posted a message about NAPLAN, which will take place next week for students in Year 3 and Year 5 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you have any questions or concerns about your child participating please contact the office and ask to speak to Mrs Cvitkovic.

School Council Training: On Monday a group of School Councillors participated in the first of 4 or 5 training sessions designed to help them understand the various roles and responsibilities of School Council. It was very informative and well worth the time spent. Our next session will be Monday 17th May.

Assembly/Inquiry Showcase: Please keep a lookout for when the Inquiry Showcases will be on this term. It’s a great way to see the learning your child has been involved in. Because we still cannot have parents at assembly, we are planning to show class performances that have occurred and have been filmed by the teacher during this time as well. We hope you enjoy it as much as the children have been.


High Levels of Learning for All

Michelle Costa








Captain's Report

Hello Melton West Primary School,

We hope you have had a great week so far.

We would like to begin with an enormous thank you to everyone who brought in a dollar for Hoodie Up for Autism!

We raised a whopping $529.65 just by wearing a hoodie and selling bags of popcorn. That is a huge amount of money and we would like to thank each and every one of you who made it happen. Extra special thanks to 2 of our parents, Maria and Lisa, for cooking the popcorn. The JSC are very thankful to both of you.


Today the Parents and Friends held a Mother’s Day Stall where students could purchase a gift for their mum or a special person in their life. On that note we would like to wish all the mums, grandmas and special people in our school community a Happy Mother’s Day.


Have a great day!

