Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,



School Reports & Student Led Conferences

Unfortunately, as we cannot be sure of the restrictions on gatherings or parents in schools, we have decided to postpone Student Led Conferences until Term 3. We will also now need to conduct any teacher concern meetings over the phone. We will email and send home instructions in regard to this early next week.   As there is a considerable amount of work required in preparing our children for these conferences, and with the past two weeks of online learning, this will be too difficult in the time remaining before reports.  


This year Trinity Primary School has moved to a new student reporting software as part of the

move to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools. We hope the new report format presents a simpler, clear report on your child's progress. Following feedback from many parents we have included more personal comments as well as each child's achievement in all areas of the curriculum using the same five point scale as in past reports. This year reports will be emailed directly to parents as the first stage in moving towards a Parent Portal. It is essential that the school has accurate email addresses of all parents so that this process can run smoothly.  Your child will be bringing home a form which we would like you to check to ensure all your contact details are up to date and correct. I ask that you carefully check these and return them with your child in the same envelope by the following day. 




Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
