Learning in LOTE JAPANESE 

Breadon Sensei

LOTE - Japanese is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Kanji Krazy!!

Our Prep students have been going Kanji crazy this semester.  They have been learning all about Kanji numbers and how to count up to 10 or more in Japanese.  Students have loved singing along to the Jingle Jeff numbers song and used their “counting hands” to practise one-to-one correspondence. 


They have been counting lots of different things around the L.O.T.E. room and students especially enjoyed celebrating Panda’s 6th birthday.  We all sat in a circle, sang “Otanjoubi Omedetou” (Happy Birthday) to Panda and counted how old she was by clapping our hands.  Everyone shouted “yatta!” (hooray) and we wished for her to be even more kawaii (cute)!!  Students wrote the Kanji number for their age and partied with some yummy keeki (cake).

This term, we also celebrated a very important day in the Japanese calendar called Kodomo no hi (Children’s Day).  Prep students learnt about the tradition of flying Koinobori (carp streamers/windsocks) for all the children in the family.  These are a symbol of courage, strength and determination, which are all qualities parents wish for in their children.  Students made some beautiful Koinobori of their own and were lucky enough to have a windy day to watch their tails wave and dance in the breeze.


Our Year One and Two students have also been working hard on their Japanese numeracy by learning how to read and write the Kanji numbers to 100.  They have been using their skills when telling the time and recording the months of the year.  A cheeky game or two of Kanji Bingo has been a popular way to learn.  Students explored the connections between numbers and shapes when building their shape rockets and Year Two students also learnt to count how many things the very hungry caterpillar ate.


Well done to all our Junior School students for their focus and effort.  I look forward to more fun times and learning opportunities in Semester Two!




Breadon Sensei

LOTE Teacher