Opportunity: GAT PowerClass

Connect Education class for Unit 3/4 VCE students
Connect Education GAT PowerClass Event
@ Northcote High School, Hall, Tuesday May 30, 4.00pm-5.30pm
You wouldn’t go driving without your seatbelt, would you?
The GAT is what stops your ATAR flying through the windshield if you’re unable to attend your
exams, so it’s important in and of itself. But it’s also used to calculate your study score for English
and might come into account for your other scores too! It’s not just a chance to shoehorn the
GATch phrase into your essays.
Join Daniel GATes (ATAR 99.70), for an amazing session to help you ace the GAT.
This session will take you step by step through the GAT: both essay sections as well as the
multiple choice section. You’ll learn how the GAT is used to calculate your study scores, as well as
what sections of the GAT are relevant to the subjects you’re studying.
How this session will help you improve your GAT score.
Tackling the essays
The GAT essays often confuse students. Just what the heck are they asking you to do? This session will
walk you through ways to go about looking at both Essay types; the expository (Essay 1) and argumentative (Essay 2). You’ll learn what examiners are looking for in these sections and how to set yourself apart from the rest of the state.
Navigating multiple choice
The multiple choice section of the GAT makes up the majority of the recommended writing time. This session will explain to you which multiple choice questions relate most to your subjects and how to approach those curly questions which trip people up.
How to sign up and protect your ATAR.
Sign up is free for all Northcote students. Just use the promo code “NHS” when you register.
NHS Only Access Before May 16. Sign up early for guaranteed access (all NHS students).
Bookings close May 26. Make sure you sign up by May 26 to avoid missing out.
Register here: goo.gl/2BaZJV