Can you help? $20 boss and work placements for VCAL

Help our VCAL students become their own boss
Our Intermediate VCAL program (Year 11) have just started a program called $20 Boss. Students are given $20 in start-up money each, which they can choose to combine or go solo, to start up a small entrepreneurial business over the next four weeks and then have a four week Challenge Period when students run their business. Students are enjoying the challenge of coming up with business ideas and figuring out how to try and implement their ideas and plans into action.
We are looking for people in the Northcote High School community (or others that are willing to help) who would be willing to come in and work with the students to try and help them with their ideas. There are a number of different ways to help, including being a business coach to help students with the implementation of their ideas, being a challenge judge (students compete in competitions such as best logo and best sales pitch) or to present a one off workshop with the students about their own experiences of running a business and some of the valuable lessons they have learned from doing so.
The program takes place over the next 8 weeks, with students starting the Challenge Month in June.
If you could help with any of the above ideas, or have any other ideas about how you could help the program, please get in contact with Paul-Micah Sullivan at or on 9488 2368. We’d love to help these students get the most out of the experience.
Work placements needed
We are currently looking for opportunities for some of our Intermediate VCAL students to complete structured workplace learning throughout this year. Students are completing it as part of their Work Related Skills course and are looking to develop skills in their particular area of interest and study. Students interested in these areas are all completing a VET course in their area of interest. They are looking for placements 1 day a week (Thursday), for a total of 20 days, in the following areas:
- Animal Studies (Veterinary or Animal Care)
- Visual Arts
If you could provide opportunities in any of these areas, or know anyone that can, could you please get in contact with the VCAL coordinator Paul-Micah Sullivan at or 9488 2368.
Thank you!