Premier's Award Recipients

Jennifer Huang recieves her award

Congratulations: Academic Achievments

Congratulations to Indigo Tolhurst  and Jennifer Huang who were recently presented with Premier’s VCE Awards for their outstanding academic results in 2016.


Indigo received a Study Award for excellence in Product Design – textiles and Jennifer received Study Awards for Further Maths and Chemistry and as a Top All-Rounder. Joshua Robinson also received a perfect score of 50 for Maths Methods, but did not receive a Premiers' Award.


The annual Premier’s VCE Awards recognise the top-performing students in the state, with more than 287 students presented with awards for outstanding results this year.


The entire NHS community is proud of Indigo and Jennifer and would like to congratulate them both on being the recipients of such prestigious awards.

Indigo Tolhurst and Minister Merlino
Indigo Tolhurst and Minister Merlino

To read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit