Wellbeing Officer


We are certainly living in a time of change and uncertainty and while children can be very resilient it is important that they have their own little community around them. This can include family, friends, teachers, and of course I am here as the school welfare officer.  It is completely natural for children to become nervous or anxious when they face change, but there are several strategies that we as parents can incorporate into our family to help them through these times. 


Acknowledge your child’s feelings: By allowing them time to process their feelings, they will realise that it is ok to not always feel ok and it will provide them with a sense of feeling valued and heard. This is an important step for them to go through to enable them to move forward and focus on the positives.


Daily conversations: Asking your child to share something positive that happened during their day will provide opportunity for you as a parent to communicate and connect with your child.  Sometimes it may be something general and other times it may be specific. Often my children will simply say “I am grateful it was sunny”, and other times they may say something more specific such as “Today I was grateful that I woke up and got to spend time with my friend”.  The goal is not what they share but rather the fact that they are focusing on a positive regardless of the challenges they have encountered. 


Establishing a realistic routine: The current lockdown may have challenged your family with their morning routine. I know my children would much rather play electronics if they are home rather than complete their assigned school work so planning is the key. Ensuring your child is aware of their timetable during lockdown will be helpful when including free time and having a regular routine will help your child focus on their goals. Whether that is getting to school with time to spare, remembering to eat breakfast or creating a goals list that can be ticked off by your child.  


And remember, we all experience challenging times so please reach out if your family needs assistance.  I have access to several services that can support your family so please do not hesitate to contact me.  Your information will remain confidential. 


